The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now. ~ Oprah Winfrey
Gratitude is a very powerful Law of Attraction tool that raise your vibration and brings positive energy into your life. It establish harmony with the Universe and can transform all ares of your life. It’s been the single most important force of our 28 Magical Practice Program that has creates hundreds of success story.
In this program, participants learn how to practice gratitude in life on a daily basis and how to be grateful for various things in life. And with these practices, participants are successfully achieving abundance, magical relationships, peace of mind, good health, success in business and profession and most importantly attracting Money, Dream Jobs and even soulmate. It is so powerful.
When you write your Dreams before you start your 28 Magical Practice, you set your intention and send message to the Universe that your want to manifest certain things in your life.
Then you start your day-wise practice where you keep a Gratitude Journal and write 10 points of gratitude and 10 pints of appreciation for yourself. And in addition to that, you do the activity as per the day’s practice. This helps you to raise your vibration and align your emotions with your dream. You send unlimited amount of positive signals to the Universe that works for your manifestation. Your vibration become stronger with positive affirmations and visualisations and ultimately when you match your vibration with your dreams, the Universe grant your wish and it materialise in the form of manifestation or reality.
This is a story of such magical manifestation, such magical transformation. Abhishek attempted 28 Magical Practice several times and failed. However, when he did it with faith and dedication he manifested five time more than what he thought of.
Abhishek not only manifested money but transformed his 360 degree.Its an interesting read about inspiring journey of Abhishek to become ‘Magical Abhishek‘.
When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around!
Dear Awesome AJ,
Before I share my story I would like to Thank you a zillion times for taking me along on this journey and showing me the Magic.
When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around – Willie Nelson
I was introduced to The Secret by a friend of mine in 2014. I saw Secret movie and tried doing 28 Magical Practices but couldn’t complete them.
Right from Day 1 when I saw secret for the first time, I had a belief that Law of Attraction works. While doing my research on LOA I came across Awesome AJ and connected with him through Facebook and then on whatsapp. I use to discuss with him the power of positive words and how to rephrase our sentences with positive words. We use to discuss lot of real life situations and one of the discussion was around Team India’s campaign line for 2015 ICC Cricket World Cup. Star Sports came up with ‘We Won’t Give It Back’ campaign and we discussed about the impact of billion people saying Give It Back and we all know what happened in the world cup we gave it back to Australia from whom we have taken it 2011.
In July 2015 I started doing
28 Magical Practices under the guidance of Awesome AJ but couldn’t complete it. I again started 28 Magical Practices in February 2016 and this time I was able to complete it but I was not fully committed to it. During the same time I was going through a very tough time personally and professionally. Slowly negative thoughts started taking control of my mind and as a result everything happened to me that I never wanted or feared for. During that time I lost a very important person in my life, I felt like a vacuum in my life and went into a shell and stopped interacting with friends or family members. I was only talking to myself and nothing of that talk was positive. I had a huge financial setback people whom I trusted and supported left me in a huge financial debt.
Then on the first day of Chaitra Navratri, Hindu New Year, on 28th March 2017 I decided to take charge of my life and make it the way I had always wanted it to be and first decision I took was starting
28 Magical Practices with the help of Awesome AJ’s emails that I had received earlier. Along with this I made it a habit to daily read
Awesome AJ’s blog which helped me strengthening my belief in LOA. Within the first few days of starting it I was able to change my thoughts and started enjoying my life. While writing my dreams, before starting the magical practices, I had written about having 1 Lakh Rupees in my account and I am really grateful to the universe and my gratitude to Awesome AJ that within the first 14 days I had 5 Lakh Rupees in my account. My life has starting to change towards the better. My relationship with my closed ones are improving and am becoming Magical ME. While doing the 28 Magical Practices I was able to recall all my previous discussion about how gratitude can change the mindset of people around us which has helped me lot in my endeavors.
I have understood that “If Its To Be, Its Up to Me”, I will have to practice gratitude with discipline and perseverance that’s the key to fulfilling all my dreams. I have many challenges but I am not scared to face them and turn them into opportunities. Being positive, having faith and taking inspired action along with Wish and Let Go is the key to achieve my dreams.
My journey has just begun and may all of us fulfill our dreams.
Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude……. Zillions of Gratitude To Awesome AJ
May you have all the powers to help people in reaching their chosen destination.
Lots of Magic Dust to all the people… May you all fulfill all your dreams.
You can transform your life with Law of Attraction, Gratitude practice. Its just a matter of setting an intention to make this transition life Abhishek.
To your transformation.
With Love & Gratitude.
Awesome AJ
Stay Motivated, Stay Awesome!
If you like this story, share this with your friends and family member for their benefit on social media. We welcome your questions at aj@awesomeaj.com.