You are probably heard of 12 Month Internet Millionaires because Russell Brunson really launched the program excellently. It got first place on Clickbank in days and their ranking are literally off the chart.
So what do I think of 12 Month Internet Millionaire and it is really legitimate? I say if it is really legitimate because Russell Brunson stated the following to be true for the 28-year-old convicted felon, Vincent James:
” The Amazing Money-Making Secret of a 28-year-old Convicted Felon Who Earns More Money Per Year Than The CEOs of FedEx … eBay … … Time Warner … Apple Computer … McDonalds … Microsoft … Nike … Yahoo … Ford Motor Company … General Motors … and Goodyear COMBINED!”
I know that Vincent James is extremely rich, but that is one hyped up headline. Please read on before you come to a conclusion.
Remember what advertising was like before the internet?
It was all about advertising using Magazines, Newspapers, and TV. Many Internet Marketers nowadays thinks that offline advertisement is long gone and dead?.
Well, they’re WRONG!
Such ‘offline’ advertising tactics and methods did not actually crawl away into a corner and die with the advent of the World Wide Web.
Now we have the 12 Month Internet Millionaire project to prove it!
The stinking rich guy behind the project, the guy that I would guess is the 12 Month Internet Millionaire himself, literally earns more than the heads of half a dozen of the world’s top business corporations combined.
He once typed out a four page sales letter and, using offline advertising tactics, rather than those that are currently more prevalent online, he managed to get to a stage where he was earning $8 million A MONTH, from the sales of a $60 product!
That is just unbelievable and it sure as heck makes the 12 Month Internet Millionaire project one to watch.
For me, as an internet marketer, it is especially interesting seeing how this guy goes about doing this, simply because there is so much to be learned.
The competition online is just too hot, and that is why Vincent James manage to make so much money in a short amount of time.
And here’s the thing that really made me think about what I have heard so far of the 12 Month Internet Millionaire:
Much of what the guys behind it are doing is the stuff that our fathers and grandfathers were doing twenty, thirty, perhaps even forty years ago, but these guys have built a very modern ‘edge’ into the methods and marketing tactics that they are implementing.
The 12 Month Millionaire, despite its slightly ‘flashy trash’ title, IS N’T one of those hypes.
It does contain some very solid information about what offline marketing tactics will work in today’s marketplace, and those that will not.
It shows you that even if your business is 100% net based, you should still not ignore the possibilities of using offline marketing methodology, the stuff that did, after all, work pretty well for hundreds of years!
In conclusion, yes, I use offline advertising and marketing tactics already (and I do not mind telling you that some of my favorite tricks are in this 12 Month Internet Millionaires report!) The 12 Month Millionaire has taught me an awful lot more, as well as reminding me of a lot of stuff that I had basically forgotten over the years.
The 12 Month Internet Millionaire is really worth it for only 37 bucks and soon to go up, if you are interested in marketing your business in a different way and make more money.